Thursday, August 6, 2015

B&N Wednesdays on Thursday

Today I made a decision to go to Barnes and Noble to write down my rules and procedures. I thought maybe I could then transfer to taking notes again. You always see the people with their expensive clothes and hair and makeup done beautifully just typing away on their laptops. And today I wanted to be one of them. (Well, actually I wanted to be one of them after a good workout at the gym, but we all know that didn't happen...)

So, I walked in to Barnes and Noble with my teacher bag slung heavily over my shoulder. I made sure to bring my new EC teacher planner, textbook, and laptop so I would have plenty to do. There would be no reason to procrastinate, after all, I was surrounded by beautiful, highly motivated people. I asked a woman if she would mind sharing an outlet with me and she smiled warmly and nodded. 

I sat down and quickly realized that the people around me were very comfortable with each other. They would have little snippets of conversation with each other every now and then. It was like I had walked into a very exclusive club. Beautiful people talking about writing novels and conversing with their clients (the lady ended up being a modeling agent!!), which I thought only happened in LA. 

After I had set myself up (and ate my Chick Fil A) I glanced over to see what the beautiful lady was working on.
My illusion was shattered. 
Though, I can't say I was too surprised.

She was on Facebook.

And I am on Blogger. 
And Twitter.

That is what going to Barnes and Noble is all about.

Love from B&N.


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