Wednesday, July 22, 2015

#WednesdayWhatILearnedToday: New Hire Orientation

Today I attended my new-hire orientation for my county. It was from 7:45am until about 10:45am. If you know me (and I believe most of you do) you know I have an opinion on just about everything…
I have been waiting for this day for almost a month (see this post for the beginning of the obsession!). I even went in to grab my orientation packet and figure out insurance and everything as early as I could.

Then, when my alarm went off at 6am this morning, I realized that I felt like I was going off to my first day of school (or teacher work week) already! I was ready to learn about teacher policies, special teacher perks, super important teacher stuff (maybe a special secret handshake?)
Well. That’s not what happened.

I did learn quite a bit, but not the type of stuff that I found completely necessary to spend time on.

Number 1: I learned that those terrible sexual harassment videos still exist in the adult world.

When I was a kid/mini adult/student, I understood that these videos were necessary because some people still weren’t mature enough to see that some of the things they said or joked about were, in fact, offensive. Most women have seen or dealt with sexual harassment first-hand (I’m sure most men, too!). This is a topic that has been covered over and over again. These goofy videos aren’t helping anyone if they only portray the overly sexualized (and overly acted out) interactions. Much of the sexual harassment won’t look like that. In my experience, it will be a small comment here… A small touch there...

Long story short, I think these videos need to be updated. They need to have potential to be taken seriously. If a group of mostly mature adults can’t get through the video without side-eyeing or busting out in laughter at these situations, then why use it? 

This is a serious issue and I don’t want to sound like I’m taking it lightly, but it was a waste of my time. Give me a module to complete instead.

Number 2: I learned that the county policies are on us to read and understand.

While I have no problem reading through the policies by myself (I already had anyway), the fact that the HR lady touched on them for less than 30 seconds makes me wonder how seriously they take them. I want to know (as a goody-two-shoes) what I can do and what I can’t. I want to know what policies cause the most discipline issues. Also, isn’t this the biggest part of HR anyway?

Number 3: I learned that I’m going to have to figure out how to prep for the school year without much to go on.

As an “orientation” session for new teachers, I expected there to be more of a “what to expect in your new job” vibe. Now I know that there were teachers in the room that had taught before in other counties. That’s cool. But not every county has the same rules and they don’t have the same issues. I want to know how my county differs from others in expectations. I want to know what I’m expected to do between now and meeting with my faculty. I want to know about professional development opportunities that I can get a jump start on. I

Number 4: I learned that teachers still do not know how to dress.

Please for the love of all that is good, go and check out Monogrammed Midwesterner’s blog post on how to dress for business casual events. She says some great things about what to wear and what not to wear. I stressed about it. I wanted to look professional but still young and fresh because we were also taking our badge pictures (and I’m positive that my hair did not cooperate. Cross your fingers for me!). I think I ended up making a good choice with my attempt at a Pinterest outfit!
 (coral pants, white lace shirt, and blue blazer)

But I saw multiple girls wearing jeans. I saw one girl in jeans and flip flops. I saw one girl in a halter dress.
I just do not understand.

Things that are not okay:
* flip flops
* anything you could wear to a club
* spaghetti strap tops
* too tight bottoms
* too short bottoms
* something you could do yard work in
* hot fluorescent pink lipstick

It was like I was watching a teacher version of People of Wal*Mart.
It is not that hard to be comfortable and also look nice.

I don’t know what else to say about that.

Have any of you seen some questionable outfits from teachers or even substitutes?!
Leave it in the comments!


Monday, July 6, 2015

Monday Musing #1

It's the decision that every teacher has to make.
A topic that has hundreds of Youtube videos and blog posts dedicated to it...


As a new teacher, I want to make sure that I am as prepared as possible. I've been reading the texts, making notes, creating activities, and throughout all of that I have realized that I use a lot of sticky notes. 

Now I have to get organized. I already bought my lesson plan and substitute binder (I haven't figured out what to do about an IEP folder yet). I want to keep my lesson plans formal, clean, and organized in their own binder. I'll have a tab dedicated to lessons plans, powerpoints, activities, and other materials respectively. My substitute binder will have classroom information (my rules, procedures, etc), school information (map, procedures for drills, bell schedule, etc), and finally my rosters with seating charts. 

All of that doesn't give me a lot of room for planning. 
And erasing. 
And figuring out when my due dates are.
And remembering meetings and spirit weeks and half days and due dates for grades and everything else that will make my head explode if I put them all on sticky notes.
(Seriously, the wall in front of my desk is covered...)
So, herein lies the subsequent question:


I took to Twitter and asked all my followers (teachers as well as others) and these ended up being the top 3 options. They all have pros and cons, but let's be honest... I'm crafty (kind of) but making my own teacher lesson planner seemed extremely overwhelming and to be frank, dumb. I'm going to be a first year teacher. I have no idea what I'm going to end up needing and I don't feel comfortable making my own. I'll just leave it to the professionals.

So, my choice is between Plum Paper Designs and Erin Condren.
My decision will be made tonight, but for now I will be creating a pros and cons list for each.
If you want to give your opinion or otherwise help me out please leave your thoughts in my comments!
(No other options please. You'll just confuse me.)


Friday, July 3, 2015

Frenzy on a Friday

Yesterday was the day I had been waiting for: Krispy Kreme has decided to deliver and I won a $500,000 cash prize!!!!!!! No. I'm kidding. Would be cool though. What really happened was I got a text message from my department chair asking me to meet him at the school to give me my supplies. We met at noon and we talked about where the books and other history supplies are located-- in a closet that is so jam-packed I don't know how I will sift through it all.

Now, I know the school pretty well because I had been there on and off for about two years. I started by doing observation hours there during college and teaching a unit or two. Then I was placed there for my student teaching and substitute taught the semester after I graduated. So, we didn't really need to do the full tour of the school. The only thing we needed to do (other than grab books for me to read and lesson plan with) was to show me MY VERY OWN CLASSROOM!!!!!!

So, I really need to BUY EVERYTHING. I need to CRAFT EVERYTHING. But really, I had no idea where to start. And what does someone do who needs and wanted things but also has a ton to get started on? She goes shopping! I was good. I only got one big (3'') binder, one smaller binder that I'll use as a substitute binder, and some dividers. 

When I got home I knew I needed to make everything look cute and new and like I deserved to be a teacher. I was on Google looking at patterns and backgrounds or cute quotes from Tumblr. It took a while, but I love this blue floral that I found! I will use it FOR EVERYTHING.

When my husband and I got back from dinner, he helped me move together two desks into that perfect 'L' shape that I love so much. I finally have room to spread out all of my stuff (as you can see, I have a lot of stuff) and plan the way I like to. Also, HGTV is playing to the left and that always helps! All of the buying and the cleaning and the moving around of all this stuff gave me a surge of motivation. I was up until well past 1am planning out my 1st nine weeks-- see the sticky notes on the wall above the desk. Now I need to actually look through the books and take notes.

But I also need posters. 
And an interactive timeline. 
And other pretty things.
 (And I also need more sticky notes. ALL THE STICKY NOTES.)

I know it's only July 3rd, but I feel like I have so much to do and I don't even know if what I have planned is right. Who knows if anything is going to work, but I'm excited to start working!

What are all of my other teachers working on right now?
Lesson plans?
Professional development?
A tan?
